VANM project!

The world of virtual currencies is changing the attitude of investing in the early stages of project development. Recently, funding for project development has been linked to the implementation of a series of processes and audits. Today, most novice businesses collect many investors by publishing only documentation describing the working principles and plans for the future.
Of course, such fundraising strategies are most beneficial to startups, but they greatly increase the risk for investors. Because the token management environment is unregulated, individuals who have invested their own funds in project development can not return them if resources are under-managed. In addition, investors can not influence the changes in business strategy.
It is important to note that modern fundraising for development is a problem for the project itself for the following reasons:
  • First, not all countries can participate in digital currencies, forcing them to look for investors only in their own countries.
  • Second, the platform commissions up to 20 percent of the total cost.
  • Third, a low level of trust is associated with a large number of projects that fail.
  • Fourth, lack of funds to create quality advertising projects and attract investors.
To overcome this problem and eliminate the risks associated with investing in ICO, a unique platform called VANM is created.

Deskripsi VANM

     Every day various ICO projects arrive, the project offers interesting concepts supported by very promising services. But the project was not supported by an experienced team, as a result the project did not reach the set targets. Unlike the VANM project and this project is supported by an experienced team. VANM is an advertising platform with a peer-to-peer network system that will redistribute advertising revenue to its users. This project is based on Blockchain technology, project services are intended for individuals, organizations or ad developers with income compensation in the form of VANM tokens.

VANM Token

VANM tokens are used primarily to transfer value and payments inside and outside the VANM ecosystem. This token is designed based on a smart contract ERC-20 is one of the most innovative and intrusive blockchain protocols in history recently. VAM tokens already support cellular and wallet applications, which will be a fully operational mobile application on Android with an embedded cellular wallet.

VANM Token Information

  1. Name of token = VANM
  2. Network = Ethereum
  3. Standard = ERC-20
  4. Decimal = 18
  5. Contract address = 0x0d155aaa5c94086bce0ad0167ee4d55185f02943

ICO Information

  1. ICO time = (Pre-sales from 17/11/2018 - 30/12/2018, and public sales from 01/01/2019 - 30/04/2019)
  2. Total Supply of tokens = 240 Million VANM
  3. Sales allocation = 124 million VANM
  4. Price of VANM Tokens = Pre-sales of 2600 VANM / ETH and Public Sales of Stage one, 2400 VANM / ETH, Stage two, 2250 VANM / ETH, Stage three, 2100 VANM / ETH and Stage four, 2000 VANM / ETH
  5. Payment tools = ETH, BTC, BCH, and LTC
  6. KYC for investors = Yes


    We are at a time when traditional digital advertising has lost many advantages. Ads with pop-up alerts are largely ignored by consumers. Effective digital advertising is inaccessible to small businesses and ineffective to reach local user focus groups.


    The VANM ecosystem gives users access to search engines for on-demand local offers, events and quotes, all in real time.

  1. Subdivision of 50% of ad revenue among all users.
  2. Local markets are strengthened by more customer awareness.
  3. The user data is given anonymously and only evaluated with a reasonable remuneration.

BTT Username : Bunsbunny
BTT Profile :;u=2291102
ETH Address : 0x6Fd91849a44Cf9D7bC0d5d31855d57d432aBd466


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