Hi friends If you are interested in joining the BTCC project, you should read reviews that can help you get information that can help you see their vision and mission. Here's the review:


   Blockchain is making history by shifting power from centralized entities into the hands of the consumers. It has empowered people to manage their own assets without the intervention of any banks, brokers, or institutional monitors. This is a welcome necessity since people risk too much today by allowing their crypto assets to be controlled by a central entity. They don’t realize that it is not them but Wallets, Exchanges, & Lending Platforms that are controlling their assets. Hence, they have given up control of their identity, privacy, and money because they believe that they don’t have a choice. But not anymore. 
   We aim to be the access point that provides people with this choice. BtcCredit is an all-in-one decentralized wallet which gives you complete control of your Blockchain asset to Hold, Exchange, Lend, Borrow, Invest, and Stake. This document outlines the design of a Decentralized Next-Gen Banking Ecosystem that is powered by decentralised multi-currency wallet, decentralised p2p lending, and decentralised p2p Exchange capabilitie.

Medium of Exchange

USDT as a medium of exchange and Bitcoins as collateral.

BTCC Tokens as a medium of exchange and BTCC Tokens as collateral.
By using USDT as a medium of exchange the System fees for borrower will be 0.25%.
By using BTCC Token as a medium of exchange the System fees for borrower will be 0%.

When Bitcoins are pledged as collateral, borrower has to pay the interest as per the Loan contract.

Borrower can borrow upto 75% LTV of the collateral value by pledging BTCC Token.
Borrower can borrow upto 60% LTV of the collateral value by pledging Bitcoin.

Loans with BTCC Tokens will be featured as priority.
Loans with Bitcoins and ALT coins will be featured as medium priority.

By using BTCC Tokens as a medium of exchange,EMI can be Refilled by using BTCC/USDT
By using USDT as a medium of exchange,EMI can be Refilled by using USDT only.

In case of BTCC Tokens as medium of exchange,Penalty fees will be 2.5% which will be paid to the System by the borrower in case of late EMI Payment.

In case of USDT as medium of exchange,Penalty fees will be 5% which will be paid to the System by the borrower in case of late EMI Payment.

When BTCC Tokens are pledged as collateral , Penalty for late fees will be 0%, which will be paid to the system, by the borrower in case of late EMI Payment.

When Bitcoins are pledged as collateral , Penalty for late fees will be 5%, which will be paid to the system, by the borrower in case of late EMI Payment.

Rewards will be given in the form of BTCC Tokens on successful handshake , to both the Lender and borrower,and to the borrower on successful payment of EMI by the borrower.

The Credit Marketplace

   The first unique feature will be the implementation of a loan marketplace. The borrowers and lenders that register on the platform will be prompted to declare their requirement set in terms of figures. A lender will declare parameters such as the tenure, the rate of interest sought, the maximum amount per loan from his corpus amount etc. The borrower will declare his offered rate of interest, the amount sought, tenure for which the loan is requested. The borrowers and lenders will participate in a loan matching flow much like a stock exchange with buy and sell orders.

Each loan agreement on Ethereum

   The platform will follow template based loan contract, which will be deployed on the Ethereum blockchain as an agreement between the lender and borrower. The platform will have a loan contract template that will be translated into an Ethereum smart contract between the borrower and the sender. The transparency of the agreement will be expressed through a publicly visible deployed contract that will calculate the loan execution parameters through a well-defined, and indisputable computation.

Market Analysis of P2P Lending

   It is cited, that “According to Morgan Stanley, the market for Global Marketplace Lending may reach $290bn. by 2020, with an expected Compound Annual Growth Rate of 51% from 2014 to 2020.”

  The BTC Credit team is trying to showcase the potential of this market, in order to explain that their truly innovative peer-to-peer wallet solution holds great potential. 

How it Works?

USDT and BTCCredit Lending System
USDT - User can Lend USDT backed by LDT Tokens whose value is 1 LDT:1 USDT, by deploying a smart contract on Ethereum Blockchain, with Bitcoin (BTC) as collateral by the borrower.

BTCCredit - User can Lend BTCC Token, by deploying a smart contract on Ethereum Blockchain, with BTCC Token as collateral by the borrower.

Overview of ICO

Token Distribution

Future sales: 40% 
Investors: 40% 
Management: 20%


Token name: BTCC
Token Platform: Ethereum

Token amount for sale: 120,000,000
Preico token price: 1 BTCC = 0.05 USD
ICO token price: 0.1000 USD
ICO token supply: 40%


SOFT CAP: 2,500,000 USD 
HARD CAP: 10,000,000 USD

Token Distribution


Q4 2018
P2P Crypto Loan System Launch
The journey begins with Borrow-Lending, a Peer-to-Peer Crypto Loans System Launch.

Smart Contract On Ethereum
LDT Tokens Contract, BTCC Tokens Contract.

Q1 2019
USDT Lending system Launch
Users Can Lend USDT which is backed by LDT Tokens and Smart Contract

Getting Apps Available on Mobiles
Getting the Lending Platform Compatible with Mobile Phones.

Acquiring Licences
Acquiring Crypto Wallet and Lending Licences

Crypto Wallet Launch
Crypto wallet Launch.

Q2 2019
BTCC Token Listing on our Lending System.
Now users can Lend Using BTCC Tokens and can use BTCC as collateral.

P2P Exchange Launch
Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrencies Exchange Platform Launch.

Q3 2019
Staking Plan Launch
Staking plan launch for investor, who will be benefited with interest on BTCC / BTC hold as staking

ALT Coins Lending and Colateral
Now users can Lend Using Alt Coins and can use Alt Coins as collateral.

Q4 2019
Crowd-Funding Platform
Peer-to-Peer Crowd-Funding platform

For more information please check :

BTT Username : Bunsbunny
BTT Profile :;u=2291102
ETH Address : 0x6Fd91849a44Cf9D7bC0d5d31855d57d432aBd466


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